The Quilter's Last Resort

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The Quilter's Last Resort - Quilters Resort TeSept

Welcome September, a wonderful month to enjoy some time outdoors

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"Welcome" to The Quilter's Last Resort.

We are an online community of quilters, crafters, cooks and gardeners. We are artists, each in their our own right, but most of all, we are friends. A broad spectrum of patchwork and quilting styles are practiced by our members and each person has a great amount of knowledge, thoughts and ideas to share with you. We are also eager students! We come from all walks of life and from around the Globe, joined together by the common thread of our passion for quilting, craft and companionship. We love to chat and share and yes, much of it is ‘off topic’ but its life and that's what we share here: our lives. Help and encouragement are two of the most basic gifts we can give; I hope you will find an abundance of them here in our resort. So, grab a coffee (or tea or cocoa), pull up a chair and come meet some new friends. We look forward to meeting you so please, stop by the welcome board and say "Hello"!

Oh and dont forget to check your email after joining to find your activation message, it will be from a Hotmail acct. If you don't find it in your inbox, check your junk mail folder, often unknown messages get relegated to junk mail and people miss their welcome/activation notice

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